Pulso additional resources

Learn about the additionalBusiness Resources available to you! Infórmese sobre los Recursos empresariales disponibles para usted SBA Disaster Loan Préstamo por desastre de la SBA Did you know that the SBA is offering low-interest rate loans for your business and/or property? If your business or property has been affected by the severe storms, flooding, and […]
Pulso workshops
PULSO is a program designed to help grow and transform small businesses with business training and other tools. Explore upcoming events and sign up today! August 22 Webinar Financial Management and Accounting Systems Register here 22 de Agosto Taller Sistemas de Gestión Financiera y Contabilidad Registrar Aqui May 30 Webinar Herramientas de Mercadeo: Cómo venderle […]
Pulso Stages
PULSO offers you the support of experts from the business ecosystem to take your business to the next level. Through a series of workshops and mentorship sessions you will advance through the different stages of the program; covering topics such as compliance, innovation, business plans, marketing, digital commerce and financial education. Get to know the […]
Foundation for Puerto Rico in partnership with the SBA supports small businesses in the northern region

April 5, 2022 Through a grant awarded to FPR as part of the Community Navigators Pilot Program, both entities will be impacting close to 150 small businesses in Puerto Rico’s northern region. San Juan, PR – Foundation for Puerto Rico (FPR), a nonprofit organization that promotes opportunities to transform and promote socio-economic development on the […]

Top What is pulso? What we offer Meet the mentors Success Stories FAQ The Community Navigator Pilot Program, known as PULSO, of the Small Business Administration (SBA), had the primary purpose of providing small and medium-sized businesses with tools and resources to survive, grow, and expand. Through PULSO, Foundation for Puerto Rico accompanied small businesses, […]
SBA Administrator Guzman, Biden-Harris Administration Announce Community Navigator Pilot Program Grantees
SBA anuncia ganadores del Programa Piloto de Navegadores Comunitarios
Una oportunidad única para empoderar nuestras comunidades con información

Una oportunidad única para empoderar nuestras comunidades con información La semana pasada dimos comienzo a las reuniones del Grupo de Trabajo del Programa de Planificación de Resiliencia Comunitaria. En junte con un grupo diverso y de vasta experiencia, estas reuniones tienen como propósito definir los indicadores a utilizar para evaluar la vulnerabilidad de nuestras comunidades […]
Virtual panel: limited access for small businesses to SBA funds
February 19, 2021 On Friday, April 24th, the first of a series of virtual panels was live streamed, as part of Foundation for Puerto Rico’s (FPR) efforts to keep the island informed, particularly the business ecosystem, on the effects of the pandemic at a local level and the current aids for small and medium-sized businesses […]