Foundation for Puerto Rico Announces New Program to Support Local Businesses
Foundation for Puerto Rico gets $254K grant from Wells Fargo
Foundation for Puerto recibe $254,487 para ayudar a pequeños negocios
Foundation for Puerto Rico Announces Program for Small Businesses
Foundation for Puerto Rico recibe subvención económica del Wells Fargo Open for Business Fund program

April 5, 2022 A través de la subvención otorgada, FPR ha lanzado el programa [re] ACTIVA, que ofrece mentoría y capacitación técnica para impulsar a pequeños negocios afectados por la pandemia San Juan, PR – Foundation for Puerto Rico (FPR) anunció hoy el lanzamiento de [re] ACTIVA, un nuevo programa de mentoría y capacitación dirigido […]
Nuevo estudio presenta un punto de partida para innovar nuestro ecosistema empresarial
Foundation for Puerto Rico gets ‘Excellence in Economic Development Award’
Foundation for Puerto Rico receives award in economic development

October 6, 2021 Foundation for Puerto Rico (FPR) was awarded a Gold Rank for its Bottom Up Destination Recovery Initiative, a project in the category of Resiliency, Recovery and Mitigation of the International Economic Development Council (IEDC). The honor was presented at an awards ceremony during the IEDC Annual Conference on October 2021. “We are honored to receive this recognition from […]
Foundation for Puerto Rico recibe el premio Excelencia en Desarrollo Económico
La Economía del Visitante: del conocimiento a la acción (Marzo 2016-ESP)
Download RESEARCH OVERVIEW: Tourism is one of the fastest-growing economic activities globally and represents Puerto Rico, facing a financial crisis, one of the most significant for economic growth in the short and medium term. If it is raised to a national priority as an economic strategy, it can support accelerated growth that would change the […]