FPR publica segunda edición del Visitor Economy Policy Briefing
Download Developing and advocating for policies that will create a solid foundation to build Puerto Rico’s economic future is critical to fulfilling the FPR vision. Our quarterly policy briefings highlight challenges facing our Island’s visitor economy and provide insights and recommendations to address them. These briefings are intended to drive dialogue among policy and opinion […]
Plan de Destino – Aguadilla e Isabela
Download This Destination Plan, co-designed with the community, provides a set of a comprehensive and strategic starting point for investment and policies aimed at improving the assets that make each region unique. The assessments outlined here upends traditional planning processes by focusing on a mix of interventions that reflect a gap assessment, community consensus, the […]
Un modelo de frontera biológica para Puerto Rico
Download PDF For the last decade, Foundation for Puerto Rico has been committed to identifying new, high-impact opportunities for Puerto Rico’s economic transformation. We have argued for the economic growth opportunity that would come with developing our island as an experiential destination for visitors and creating a non-governmental Destination Marketing Organization to promote it. As […]
Después de la cuarentena surgirá una nueva realidad empresarial
Download During this pandemic, new ways of navigating the business ecosystem are being learned and adapted. Many countries, as well as Puerto Rico, are taking the necessary steps to deal with this pandemic in the most sensitive and responsible manner possible, adapting to the changes. Due to a strict Executive Order (EO) as a health […]
Policy Brief #2
Policy Brief #1
Una estrategia de desarrollo económico basada en la economía del visitante
Download RESEARCH OVERVIEW: FPR and EstudiosTécnicos, Inc. have partnered to integrate the concept of the Visitor Economy into a broader economic development strategy framework. This project seeks to identify the supportive elements required for a robust visitor economy under the Island’s current economic conditions while posting practical insights on how the Visitor Economy interacts with the […]
Digital Engagement Report – octubre 2018
Download RESEARCH OVERVIEW: Given the continuous technological evolution in this digital era, tourism activity is increasingly interconnected and improving. The different ways in which a traveler interacts in this activity have been shaped as a result of the digital presence. The means by which that inspiration is created to travel to a destination and the […]